Language Section

SECTION III. Internet links to OAS documents based on area

Below is a list of some principal areas of the OAS General Secretariat with links to the official documents published for meetings of the Organization related to each area.


General Assembly

Main Page  
Fifty-fourth regular session of the General Assembly    
General information and documents
EN     ES     FR     PT
Adopted declarations and resolutions
Declarations and resolutions adopted at the fifty-fourth regular session (Pending review by the Style Committee) EN     ES     FR     PT
     Previous General Assemblies
     Regular sessions EN     ES     FR     PT
     Special sessions EN     ES     FR     PT
Minutes of the regular and special sessions of the General Assembly Click here


Permanent Council

Here are some helpful tips to navigate the Permanent Council website. For Permanent Council documents, use the links below; then click on Working Documents, which provides a drop-down list of the types of documents; click on the appropriate link to access the document you need.  For documents of the permanent committees (CG, CAJP, CSH, CISC, CAAP), click on the link of the committee below, then on the Work documents tab on the left menu bar.

Documents of the working groups of the Permanent Council may be found on the Working Groups Tab at the top right of the horizontal menu bar of the Permanent Council’s main page. Documents of working groups of the permanent committees may be found through the Working Groups tab at the left menu bar of each Committee’s web page.

Other permanent committee documents can be found by clicking on the Topics tab in the web page of each committee and then on the link to the specific topic.

Permanent Council EN     ES     FR     PT
Permanent Committees  
     General Committee EN     ES     FR     PT
     Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs (CAJP) EN     ES     FR     PT
     Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Affairs (CAAP) EN     ES     FR     PT
     Committee on Hemispheric Security (CSH) EN     ES     FR     PT
     Committee on Inter-American Summits Management and Civil Society
     Participation in OAS Activities (CISC)
EN     ES     FR     PT
Meetings of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs EN     ES     FR     PT
Annual reports of the Secretary General EN     ES     FR     PT
Annual reports of the organs, agencies, and entities of the OAS - up to 2015 EN     ES     FR     PT
Annual reports of the organs, agencies, and entities of the OAS - post 2015 EN     ES     FR     PT
Annual reports of the Inter-American Juridical Committee (CJI) EN     ES
Resolutions and declarations EN     ES     FR     PT
Minutes EN     ES     FR     PT



Documents and Publications EN     ES



Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development (IACD) EN     ES
Inter-American Committees  
     Education EN     ES
     Culture EN     ES
     Ports EN     ES
     Science and Technology EN     ES
     Social Development EN     ES
     Sustainable Development EN     ES
     Tourism EN     ES
     Working Groups EN     ES
    Sectoral and Ministerial Meetings Click Here
    CIDI - regular and special meetings (all languages) Click here
    CEPCIDI documents (up to 2012)  
        All languages Click Here


CIM Library EN     ES


CICTE (Terrorism) Click Here
     CICTE sessions  EN     ES


CIFTA (Trafficking in Arms and Weapons) Click Here


Inter-American Commission on Human Rights  
     Annual Reports (English and Spanish) Click Here
     Thematic reports (English, Spanish, and Portuguese) Click Here


Inter-American Juridical Committee  
     Topics  EN     ES
     Newsletters  EN     ES
Summits of the Americas Click Here
Pan American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH)
    (General Assembly resolutions - Spanish and English)
Click Here
OAS Columbus Memorial Library EN     ES


For areas that are not included in the above list, please visit the organizational list of the OAS website where you can find the secretariat, department, or section for which you may require information

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